Im on a journey to pull out of me what should have been on the surface from the beginning. People have buried me and my emotions in a deep dark shell with such a hard coating of judgment and dislike. i started to think it was jealously, i have talents i have great qualities, i have insight i have style, i have a voice, i have a RIGHT. Couldnt understand why so many people hated me and the person i am.
Today is a new day i have realized that most people hate when someone is happy being who they are. the only reason i have been down for so long is because i was waiting for the remarks looking for the usual comments and laughs.
i knew i would be in a fight, i knew someone would crack a joke i knew there would be tears in my eyes and never took the time to stop worrying about them and put the focus on ME.
Your true day of happiness and success starts when u let got of PEOPLE and embrace YOU.
Noweverything looks bright and the paths is clear minus all the crowd
its funny really... all those "people" were actually my fans and i've been on stage!
i think im finally over my stage fright. curtains up, lights flash, here he is everyone: Mr. Legacy!!
When i met you i didnt think i could do this thing: Love
it hurt me so hard in the past and had no compassion on my soul: Love Every time it spoke it lied. Every time it held me it let go: Love It cheated cheated cheated cheated on me and made me believe it couldnt be fair: Love It made me feel like it wasnt real: Love But now that your here, i can forget all of that and remember what is now
I started my lox about 2 years ago. Im really feeling like this is a style that stuck really well with me and my various looks. Very becoming s not tryin to sound conceited or like im feeling myself, but i love my dreads.
Had braids, high top, low cut w/ waves, and all dat finally got a look thats different and classic for me but yea...lets get another look in 1 year lets hear it for DREADS lol
Well I'm just like everybody else, SIKE....I'm definitely not your average person. I'm quite addictive, I mean ppl are very fond of me lol. But I'm kool and I like kool things or what not. I'm a singer, writer, fashionisto, lover, fight, talker, many others...ask me