So guys i never really get on here and talk about ME! lol I have been working on a few things lately. Networking with a few people and getting some career goals started.
This blog page is kinda like my little corner to give option on this extra ordinary world we live in, but i do have my own little things going on.

Currently I'm working on publishing a Revolutionary photography magazine. Its called Stoic Audacity, co owned by a great friend of mine Mr T.Urban! look out for it guys its going be great.

I'm also a singer and writer. Music and poetry are apart of me just like the blood in my veins. look out for and album/demo within the next years or so...the music is tough lol.

Recently one of my highly esteemed friends has ask me to be apart of a new upscale and formal clothing line. Working with this company will be a new experience for me, but nothing i wont enjoy. we have great plans for it look out for Mr. Ruben Hughes. he is O.D. crazy with it lol.
but yea folks I'm cooling it over here. its a hard world out there...but its time we made moves...
Stay tuned to my blog and other sites please!!!! all of this cant and wont be possible without your support guys...i love yall and if anyone need me for anything never be scared to ask....
Its been real lata. Napolian...